Interpretation Services
Since its inception in 2007, Dynamic has been providing high quality interpretation services to Governments and companies around the world. We have access to a large team of well renowned industry experts in various geological disciplines (petrophysics, stratigraphy, structure, regional and tectono-physics, well-site and many more). The Interpretation team works closely with other parts of the Consulting Services organization (Acquisition, Processing and Advisory) to provide comprehensive interpretation and management of your projects. Our collaboration with academia and industry experts allows us to provide you interpretation uniquely suited to your project.
Basin, regional, or site specific interpretation
Play, lead, and prospect generation/evaluation
2D- and 3D-seismic interpretation
Seismic attribute analysis
Subsurface mapping
Sequence stratigraphy
Petroleum systems modeling
Pore pressure/fracture gradient estimates
Geologic risking
Operational support
Appraisal planning
Portfolio analysis
20,000km of new data offshore Somalia in a frontier basin to high-grade further asset capture potential. The project tied all the key wells and vintage seismic to build the country's first comprehensive interpretation and GIS database.
Regional study of the East African Margin in Kenya, Tanzania and Madagascar to understand hydrocarbon potential.
Seismic and well data analysis over a large 3D block in India and formulate a well development plan
Interpretation and Advisory engagements to companies involved in Kurdistan
Evaluation and comprehensive interpretation of a large gas discovery offshore Israel
Interpretation of several datasets offshore West Africa to evaluate hydrocarbon potential in frontier basins of Angola, Congo, Gabon, Nigeria

Image courtesy of Eliis
Image courtesy of Eliis